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Pornographic content broadly defined to include nudity, depictions of sexual acts, content related to sexually-related services, or other types of sexually-oriented or adults-only content is not permitted to be sold through Dropbox Shop.ĭropbox Shop cannot be used for the distribution or sale of promotional codes or discounts, nor can it be used as payment processing for a physical good or offline service. Pornography, adult/mature content, human exploitation, and sexual services

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The guidelines below expand on our Acceptable Use Policy which also applies to the use of Dropbox Shop.ĭropbox Shop cannot be used to sell material in a way that infringes any copyright, trademark, or other rights to that material. When navigating them, we’ll give creators an opportunity to appeal adverse decisions, and engage in a constructive dialogue with us.

  • We acknowledge that there will always be gray areas.
  • We’ll empower our internal panel to make tough calls and regularly review/revise our guidelines.
  • We’ll be receptive to feedback from our community and iterate as we learn.

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    We know that our guidelines won’t get everything right all time.Dropbox Shop is committed to nurturing a diverse, vibrant, inclusive, respectful, and safe digital space for creators and audiences.

    Nude dropbox pictures